Cut Off For Dmg Camp

The Light Meter is a fluctuating scale of the current light level during the exploration of dungeons.

+DMG as the cut-off implies the +DMG modifying RM will always perform better than the +STAT modifying RM in terms of damage output. The +13% ATK RM will never hit 1.3x damage output. Hence if you're deciding between +13% ATK and +30% DMG, always pick the +30%. ATK soft-cap = 806 while MAG soft-cap = 1056.

Effects[editedit source]

When the light is at high or maximum levels, the party will suffer less stress damage and will be affected by various benefits, while increasing the chances of scouting ahead and surprising monsters, granting a certain degree of safety to the expedition.

Lower levels of light will increase incoming stress, increase the chance of the party being surprised, and grant boons to the enemies. Less light will also increase the amount of loot gained by the party, in addition to augmenting the chance of the heroes scoring critical hits. Playing at low light levels is thus more risky, but grants higher rewards.

Rampart needs more dmg in blackout windows. This should make for more predictable shots when firing at a moving target within the Auger’s intended ranges.Swordfish.Tightened the spread pattern. This should provide more consistent gunfights when in SMG range, along with ensuring that SMGs perform as expected in their intended power band when compared to Assault Rifles in Blackout.Spitfire.Reduced recoil.Assault Rifles.Rampart 17.Reduced ADS sway.Reduced recoil.Tactical Rifles.Auger DMR.Increased re-center speed. We slowed down the re-center due to high performance in our Blackout beta, but have seen the AUGER slightly underperform since release.Slightly increased muzzle velocity. This should allow more shots to land on target at range.Light Machine Guns.While some players have found success with the LMGs in Blackout, they’re still being passed over by the large majority of players. Playlist Updates.Blightfather added to all playlists.100-Player Quads added to the Featured playlist.Maximum players in Solo and Duos playlists changed to 88.Character Missions.Zombies Chaos Storyline Character Missions now available (Bruno, Diego, Scarlett, and Shaw).Increased drop rates of Character Mission items.Weapons (Blackout Only).Submachine Guns.Increased muzzle velocity on all SMGs.

Additionally, at 0 light, every hallway battle has a small chance of being replaced with an ambush by a Shambler (1% in Apprentice level dungeons, 8% in Veteran level dungeons, and 12% in Champion level dungeons).

Controlling light levels[editedit source]

When entering a dungeon, light is set to the maximum level at 100 points, and will gradually deplete as the party enters rooms or corridor segments while traversing the map, at the rate of 1 unit when traversing explored segments and 6 units when exploring new areas (7 in Stygian Mode). It is possible to manually lower the light level partially or completely by interacting with the light meter itself.

The usage of torches or certain abilities, such as several Vestal and Crusader abilities, will raise the light meter, while other abilities, typically used by some enemies, will lower it. The Occultist is currently the only hero possessing abilities able to lower the amount of light. It is also possible to completely replenish the light level to full without using torches by camping; the only exception is when using one of the Occultist's camping skills which decreases light. The removal of an obstacle without the use of a shovel will also cause the light level to drop, simulating the lapsing of time while the party deals with the obstruction.

Light thresholds[editedit source]

The effects of light levels are regulated by various thresholds, at which various bonuses and penalties activate enhancing the party or the enemies.

  • Radiant Light (76+)
++ Scouting (+15%)
++ Monsters surprised (+25%)
+ Dodge (+7.5 on Radiant, +4 on Darkest, +2.5 on Stygian, +2.5 on Bloodmoon)
  • Dim Light(51 to 75)
+ Stress (+10%)
+ Scouting (+7.5%)
+ Monsters surprised (+15%)
+ Dodge (+4 on Radiant. +2.5 on Darkest, +0 on Stygian, +0 on Bloodmoon)
Not shown on UI: + Monster Crit (+1%)
Not shown on UI: + Loot (25% chance)
  • Shadowy(26 to 50)
++ Stress (+20% on Radiant, +20% on Darkest, +25% on Stygian, +25% on Bloodmoon)
+ Monster ACC and DMG (+5/+10%)
Not shown on UI: + Monsters surprised (+10% on Radiant, +10% on Darkest, +5% on Stygian, +5% on Bloodmoon)
+ Heroes Surprised (+15%)
+ Loot (Gold/Items +10%/+4 draws)
+ Player Crits (+1%)
Not shown on UI: + Monster Crit (+2% on Radiant, +2% on Darkest, +2.5% on Stygian, +2.5% on Bloodmoon)
  • Dark(1 to 25)
+++ Stress (+30% on Radiant, +30% on Darkest, +35% on Stygian, +35% on Bloodmoon)
++ Monster ACC and DMG (+10/+15% on Radiant, +10/+15% on Darkest, +10/+17.5% on Stygian, +10/+17.5% on Bloodmoon)
Not shown on UI: + Monsters surprised (+5% on Radiant, +5% on Darkest, +0% on Stygian, +0% on Bloodmoon)
++ Heroes Surprised (+25%)
++ Loot (Gold/Items +15%/+8 draws on Radiant, +15%/+8 draws on Darkest, +20%/+8 draws on Stygian, +20%/+8 draws on Bloodmoon)
++ Player Crits (+2% on Radiant, +2% on Darkest, +2.5% on Stygian, +2.5% on Bloodmoon)
Not shown on UI: ++ Monster Crit (+3% on Radiant, +3% on Darkest, +3.5% on Stygian, +3.5% on Bloodmoon)
  • Black as Pitch (0)
++++ Stress (+40% on Radiant, +40% on Darkest, +50% on Stygian, +50% on Bloodmoon)
+++ Monster ACC and DMG (+12.5/+25% on Radiant, +12.5/+25% on Darkest, +12.5/+30% on Stygian, +12.5/+30% on Bloodmoon)
+++ Heroes Surprised (+40%)
+++ Loot (Gold/Items +30%/+12 draws)
+++ Player Crits (+3%)
Not shown on UI: +++ Monster Crit (+5% on Radiant, +5% on Darkest, +6% on Stygian, +6% on Bloodmoon)

Light Meter and Loot Bonuses[editedit source]

The bonus loot granted as a result of lower light levels is a chance of finding one additional item on top of the normal loot found when finishing battles or interacting with items and curios. It will be calculated independently of any predetermined loot (it will always be gold or gems for battles, but can be anything for curios).

Battle bonuses: (gold or gems)

Light 76-100 0% chance of bonus reward
Light 51-75 25% chance of 1 bonus reward
Light 26-50 50% chance of 1 bonus reward
Light 1-25 75% chance of 1 bonus reward
Light 0 75% chance of 2 bonus rewards

Chest bonuses: (any loot)

Light 76-100 0% chance of bonus reward
Light 51-75 25% chance of 1 bonus reward
Light 26-50 50% chance of 1 bonus reward
Light 1-25 75% chance of 1 bonus reward
Light 0 95% chance of 1 bonus reward
Cut Off For Dmg Camp

Cartographer's Camp (The Crimson Court DLC)[editedit source]

The Cartographer's Camp significantly buffs the effects of torchlight such as +Loot at Radiant Light or +Monsters Surprised at Black as Pitch. It adds the following bonuses to all light levels:

+1% Player Crit Chance
+2.5% Scouting Chance
+5% Monsters Surprised Chance
-5% Heroes Surprised Chance

Light thresholds (with Cartographer's Camp)[editedit source]

  • Radiant Light (76+)
+ Loot (Gold/Items +1%/+1 draws)
+ Dodge (+10 on Radiant, +7.5 on Darkest, +7.5 on Bloodmoon)
+ Player Crits (+1%)
+++ Scouting (+17.5%)
+++++ Monsters Surprised (+30%)
Not shown on UI: + Heroes Surprised (-5%)
  • Dim Light(51 to 75)
+ Stress (+10%)
++ Loot (Gold/Items +2%/+2 draws)
+ Dodge (+2.5 on Radiant, +0 on Darkest, +0 on Bloodmoon)
+ Player Crits (+1%)
++ Scouting (+10%)
++++ Monsters Surprised (+20%)
+ Player Crits (+1%)
Not shown on UI: + Monster Crit (+1%)
Not shown on UI: + Heroes Surprised (-5%)
  • Shadowy(26 to 50)
++ Stress (+20% on Radiant, +20% on Darkest, +25% on Bloodmoon)
++ Monster ACC and DMG (+5/+10%)
+ Heroes Surprised (+10%)
+++ Loot (Gold/Items +3%/+3 draws)
++ Player Crits (+2%)
+ Scouting (+2.5%)
+++ Monsters Surprised (+15% on Radiant, +15% on Darkest, +10% on Bloodmoon)
Not shown on UI: + Monster Crit (+2% on Radiant, +2% on Darkest, +2.5% on Bloodmoon)
  • Dark(1 to 25)
+++ Stress (+30% on Radiant, +30% on Darkest, +35% on Bloodmoon)
++ Monster ACC and DMG (+10/+15% on Radiant, +10/+15% on Darkest, +10/+17.5% on Bloodmoon)
++ Heroes Surprised (+20%)
++++ Loot (Gold/Items +4%/+4 draws)
+++ Player Crits (+3%)
+ Scouting (+2.5%)
++ Monsters Surprised (+10%)
Not shown on UI: ++ Monster Crit (+3% on Radiant, +3% on Darkest, +3.5% on Bloodmoon)
  • Black as Pitch (0)
++++ Stress (+40% on Radiant, +40% on Darkest, +50% on Bloodmoon)
+++ Monster ACC and DMG (+12.5/+25% on Radiant, +12.5/+25% on Darkest, +12.5/+30% on Bloodmoon)
+++ Heroes Surprised (+35%)
+++++ Loot (Gold/Items +5%/+5 draws)
++++ Player Crits (+4%)
+ Scouting (+2.5%)
+ Monsters Surprised (+5%)
Not shown on UI: +++ Monster Crit (+5% on Radiant, +5% on Darkest, +6% on Bloodmoon)

Cut Off For Dmg Camp Hill

The Courtyard (The Crimson Court DLC)[editedit source]

In the Courtyard, there is only one light level at all times; Bloodlight. Bloodlight's effects are + Stress and - Bleed Resist.Using torches in the Courtyard will not affect the light level, but it will apply a +3 ACC buff to the entire party for 1 battle. Only a single torch can be used prior to each battle. Multiple torches can be used in battle at once, making low-accuracy moves like those carried by the Leper more reliable for eachmainmission'sboss, as well as the Crocodilian.

Cut Off For Dmg Camp 2

For the purposes of Quirks and Trinkets, the Bloodlight always counts as 100 light level.

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