Crit Rating Crit Dmg Vs Dmg

I mean i dont even have full crit dmg runes yet and its already about 22% wich is quite alot if you think how much bonus dmg it gives to, lets say to a 600 crit. Now with full crit runes, i havent counted how much would i have bonus dmg% in total. But lets say it would be maybe over 35 or maybe even 50%, i presume the crit dmg from runes would.

Aug 11, 2008  I see people referring to their DPS rankings in instances and raids, and I was just wondering how to check that. Community Forums WoW Help. How do I check DPS stats from an instance group? Rastakhan Dazaralor Ending Cinematic. The built in WoW interface doesn't include a damage meter. In order to do this you'll have to download. How to check who is doing the most dmg wow.

Although I've been playing ESO since pre-release last year, I still don't fully understand weapon damage vs. weapon critical and when each is more important than the other. I used to think weapon crit was more important in PvE and weapon damage in PvP, but then someone told me I had that backwards. So I'd really appreciate the forum community's insights.
My main is a vr14 Imperial Templar DPS using 2h sword and a bow since pre-release. She also has leveled both staffs to 50. I've made it all the way through Cadwell's s/g with her, done my share of PvP, and plenty of other achievements. But damage vs. crit is still a question for me, especially now with stamina builds having their day since 1.6 release.
Thanks in advance to everyone who participates in this discussion.

Look, I am not a specialist of min / max, but using logic occurs to me the following.
Normal damage is sustained (uniform).
The critical damage is sporadic (depends on chance%)
In PvE you can position yourself in an almost static position and constantly make an impact since it is easy to predict the motion of an NPC.
In PvP do not know if you're going to hit or miss since the other player moves randomly.
Having a chance to blow a player is more difficult and perhaps you miss a chance of critical so unless the crit chance is high I do not see recommended for PvP. The problem of normal damage in PvP is that it may not be enough to lower an opponent's life and given a chance to heal, so a good chance of critical can be more profitable.
In PvE, hit is easier and NPCs do not heal so fast so maybe it is not necessary to use critical and perhaps normal damage sustained in the long run is better.
Please review and [ update] as needed.'>
This article is about spell critical strikes only. For physical critical strikes, see Critical strike.

Spell critical strike (often abbreviated as 'spell crit') is when a spell or magical effect (most damaging spells, healing spells, some damage over time effects) has an increased effect. To see your chance to critically strike with spells, open your character pane and view your spell stats. Mobs are unable to get critical strikes with spells.

Spell critical strike chance is gained from both critical strike rating and intellect, as well as various talents and abilities.

  • 3Increasing spell crit chance
  • 5Using spell crit effectively

Spell crit damage

The size of spell crits depends on the character's class and spec, as well as the spell cast:

Crit Rating Crit Dmg Vs Dmg 1

  • All healing crits heal for 200% of the normal amount
  • All druid, mage, priest, shaman and warlock crits deal 200% normal damage
  • Elemental shaman crits deal 250% normal damage through [Elemental Fury].

With damage over time, heal over time and area of effect spells, spell critical strike chance applies independently to each tick and each target.

Certain metagems, such as the [Chaotic Shadowspirit Diamond], increase spell critical strike damage beyond 200%.

Base spell crit chance

The base chance to critically strike with spells is based on the Intellect attribute and a class specific constant.

Intellect per crit %Class-specific
ClassLevel 60Level 70Level 80Level 85

Increasing spell crit chance

Crit Rating Crit Dmg Vs Dmg

Spell critical strikes have a generally low chance of occurring, however, you can increase your crit chance in certain ways:

  • Talents (some classes)
  • Potions (temporary)
  • Buffs (temporary)
  • Debuffs (temporary)

Critical strike rating

The easiest method to increase the chance of a critical strike is to equip gear with the attribute 'Increases your critical strike rating by 'x'.' For some classes, critical strike rating is of less value. Unlike Intellect, critical strike rating increases the chance to get a critical strike equally for all classes.

Critical strike rating required for 1%
Level 60Level 70Level 80Level 85Level 90


For a level 85 character:


  • Talents that affect the crit chance of 'all spells' (e.g.: [Piercing Ice]), or talents that specifically affect spells of a certain school, directly add to the calculated 'Crit Chance %' on the character pane.
  • Talents that only affect the spell crit chance of a specific spell are NOT included in the spell 'Crit Chance %' on the character pane.
  • Mousing over the 'Intellect' value in your character pane will show you the Intellect portion of your spell 'Crit Chance' (eg: 'Increases Spell Critical Hit by x.xx%'). This works out to the '(INT/648.91)+ClassConstant' portion of the formula.

Using spell crit effectively

When evaluating the tradeoff between critical strike rating and other secondary stats, there are some things to consider:

  • Some classes have abilities or talents which proc off of spell critical strikes, as do some items.
  • Spell crit can lead to more unpredictable damage. As such, it can be powerful, but unreliable.
  • In group PvE, a string of 'lucky' spell crits can pull aggro off the tank, possibly resulting in a dead caster.
  • In PvP, a string of 'lucky' spell crits can take your opponents by surprise or simply overwhelm their defences, winning you the fight. Steady, predictable damage is easily anticipated and defended against; sudden spikes of damage are hard to anticipate and often impossible to defend against.

Spell hit or spell crit?

Without considering factors such as talents, a 1% increase in spell crit chance will result in a gain of 0.5% or 1% of a spell's base damage (depending on class/spec, see above), whereas a 1% increase in spell hit chance will always give a 1% increase of a spell's base damage. When dealing with 150% crits, this may make reaching the hit cap for your chosen area of play more valuable than increasing crit chance.

Hello everyone! In this post, we discuss whether Dmg or CrtD is the better weapon modifier for DPS runs. Besides answering this question for high end ISA runs, we also explain which parameter affect the performance of both modifier and under which conditions one is better than the other. Sto ship weapons dmg or crtd 3.

Numerous talents proc from crits (Ignite, [Divine Aegis], [Master of Elements]), while many more proc from certain spell hits regardless of crits. These talents can significantly increase the desirability of increasing your crit chance. It should also be remembered that hit affects other types of spell such as ccs ([Polymorph], [Hammer of Justice], [Psychic Scream]), which can often be even more critical than damage.

In general, increasing crit chance without reaching your hit cap will lead to more unpredictable effectiveness, in terms of damage, talent procs and even ccs. This can be handy for PvP, where sudden burst damage can surprise and overwhelm opponents, but can also cause crucial spells to miss at critical moments.

There is still debate whether spell casting is based on a one-roll system (like 'normal' melee) or not, although there is currently overwhelming evidence that it is a 'two-roll' system - hit rolled for first, followed by a roll for crit.[citation needed]

Patch Changes

Crit Rating Crit Dmg Vs Dmg 1

  • Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Spell Crit %, Melee Crit %, and Ranged Crit % have been merged into a universal Crit %.
  • Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): All spells now have a base critical damage bonus of 100%, up from 50%.
  • Patch 4.2.0 (2011-06-28): All healing spells now crit for 200% instead of 150%.
  • Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12):
    • Damage over time effects and channels are now capable of critically striking (there are some exceptions to this, such as Ignite).
    • All mage and warlock spells now crit for 200% damage.
    • Balance druids, shadow priests and elemental shamans receive a specialization bonus allowing their spells to crit for 200% damage.
  • Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14):
    • Spell Critical Strike Rating has been merged into Critical Strike Rating.
    • Channeled spells such as [Blizzard] are now capable of critically striking.
  • Patch 2.0.1 (2006-12-05):Combat Rating System introduced. Items no longer increase spell critical strike chance by a fixed percentage.

Crit Rating Crit Dmg Vs Dmg 2016

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