Chapter 7 Of The Dmg

  1. Chapter 7 Of The Dmg Full

DMG 127 Downtime Activities. Chapter 7: Treasure. DMG 133 Types of Treasure Random Treasure DMG 135 Magic Items DMG 136 Identifying a Magic Item Attunement DMG 138 Cursed Items DMG 139 Magic Item Categories DMG 140 Wearing and Wielding Items DMG 141 Activating an Item Magic Item Resilience Special Features DMG 144 Random Magic Items DMG 150.

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Explosive Textbook
4-1.?oil of high quality?'Pure Oil'
?large fire?'Fire DMG L'
Synthesize Pure Oil ('Delightful Craft')
Synthesize a Bomb with Fire DMG L (Chapter 2.1)
Reward: Recipe - 'Barrel Bomb'
Growth of an Alchemist
4-2.?a certain number of battles?'10 battles'
?a certain number of syntheses?'10 syntheses'
Complete 10 battles
Synthesize 10 times
Reward: Recipe - 'Alchemy Coal'



So You Want to Gather More?
1.?one who collects materials?'Master Gatherer'
?dried grass?'Hay'
Gather 300 times
Synthesize Hay ('Alchemy of Materials')
Reward: Recipe - 'Handmade Basket'
Next Step Alchemy
2.?individual with alchemy skill?'Ordinary Alchemist'
?individual who conducted many synthesis?'Intermediate Alchemist'
Reach Alchemy Level 20
Synthesize 40 times
Reward: Other - Boost Item
Enhancing Synthesis (Basic)
3.?method of elemental strengthening?'Boost Item'
?shining Punis?'Gold Punis'
Unlock Boost Items (Chapter 4.2)
Gold Punis appear as a strong enemy in the Golden Plains
Reward: Recipe - 'Alchemy Activator'
Angel's Providence
4.?ice spirits?'Ice Pixies'
?fairy's stones?'Blessed Stones'
Ice Pixies appear during the day in the Eternal Spring
Blessed Stones can be found by destroying crystals in the Old Blocked Mining Tunnel (Chapter 3.6)
Reward: Recipe - 'Angel Charm'
A New Way to Use Items
5.?a certain number of uses?'30 uses'
?number of uses?'50 uses'
Use Interrupts 30 times
Use Interrupts 50 times
Reward: Ability - Interrupt Skill Acquisition

Chapter 7 Of The Dmg Full


An Acquired Taste
6.?fans of certain food?'regular curry lovers..'
?a certain flavor of curry?'Spicy Curry'
Use Nostalgic Curry 10 times in battle
Speak with the boy in the Armster Orphanage kitchen
Reward: Recipe - 'Bomb Curry'
Professional Fishing Rod
7.?people who like fishing?'Experienced Fisherman'
?explosive fish?'Bomb Fish'
Use the Fishing Rod 5 times
Bomb Fish can be caught by fishing in the Guiding Light Forest (Chapter 2.6)
Reward: Recipe - 'Professional Fishing Rod'
For Greater Strength (2)
8.?alchemist with some experience?'Average Alchemist'
?a recovery skill using a staff?'Tri-Bloom'
Reach Adventurer Level 20
Use Lulua's Tri-Bloom skill in battle 10 times
Reward: Ability - Stamina Surge
Wild Wasteland and the Fairy's Feast
9.?path to the wasteland?'Average Alchemist'
?birds of the highlands?'Vultures'
Speak with the man at the Old Kingdom Checkpoint
Vultures appear during the day in the Trombe Plateau
Reward: Gathering Area - Stone Coliseum

Chapter Rewards:

  • Recipe: 'Warp Gate'
  • Alchemy Experience +50
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