Cha To Dmg Ddo Bard

Prestige Bard

Dec 08, 2007  How to Play a Bard in Dungeons and Dragons. The Bard class combines elements of a Rogue with light spellcasting capabilities. Bards are performers by nature, and those who aren't busy using their charisma to entertain crowds or ladies are. Spells: To cast a particular spell, you must have a Cha score of at least 10 + the spell's level. Your bonus spells are based on your Charisma. Saves to avoid the effects of your spells have a DC of 10 + the spell's level + your Str bonus + your Cha bonus (if any). Bardbarian spells may be cast while in a rage. You cast spells as a Bard does.

Halfling Female Bard Halflings get a +1 to saving trows which is a huge help concidering this will be a highly specilized bard and every stat will be -1 except dex and cha. Before looking at the stats just relize that a bard is mainly a 'fill in the blank' class and is used for support.

(Unearthed Arcana variant, p. 69)

The prestige bard is a jack-of-all-trades, master of none.


Base Attack Bonus: +3

Alignment: Any nonlawful

Skills:Knowledge (any one) 4 ranks , Perform (any one) 8 ranks

Special: Ability to cast at least one 1st-level arcane spell from each of the divination, enchantment, and illusion schools.

Hit die


Skill points

6 + Int D'angelo russell.

Class Features

Cha To Dmg Ddo Bard Build

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: As the standard bard in the Player's Handbook. A prestige bard can cast any arcane spells in light armor without the normal arcane spell failure chance.

Spellcasting: When a new prestige bard level is gained (except at 1st, 3rd, 7th, and 13th level), the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if she had also gained a level in whatever arcane spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class.


Cha To Dmg Ddo Bard System

A prestige bard casts arcane spells from the schools of divination, enchantment, and illusion at +2 caster level. She casts arcane spells from the schools of evocation and necromancy at —2 caster level.

Bardic Knowledge (Ex): As the standard bard ability of the same name.

Bardic Music: As the standard bard ability of the same name, except that the minimum number of ranks in Perform required is increased by 5 (8 ranks for countersong, fascinate, or inspire courage; 11 ranks for inspire competence, and so forth).


Level BABFort Ref Will Special Spells per Day
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Bardic music (countersong, fascinate, inspire courage +1), bardic knowledge
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Inspire competence
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
5th +3 +1 +4 +4 Inspire courage +2 +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
6th +4 +2 +5 +5 +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
7th +5 +2 +5 +5 Inspire greatness
8th +6 +2 +6 +6 +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
9th +6 +3 +6 +6 Song of freedom +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
10th +7 +3 +7 +7 Inspire courage +3 +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
11th +8 +3 +7 +7 Inspire heroics +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
12th +9 +4 +8 +8 +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
13th +9 +4 +8 +8 Mass suggestion
14th +10 +4 +9 +9 +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
15th +11 +5 +9 +9 Inspire courage +4 +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

Class skills

Skill nameKey abilityTrained onlyArmor check penalty
Decipher ScriptINT
Escape ArtistDEX
Gather InformationCHA
Move SilentlyDEX
Sense MotiveWIS
Sleight of HandDEX
Speak LanguageNone
Use Magic DeviceCHA

Spells for Prestige Bard

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