Can Prot Warrior Do Dmg

Pooling your Rage in order to maximize Rage generation, survivability, or damage is an important aspect of playing Protection Warrior. For example, if you are in a fight and trying to maximize damage, and are casting Revenge to do so, and you reach a part of the fight where additional enemies join, then you will want to save your Rage/Revenge cast and cast it on those additional enemies. Any time spent off target is lost damage, with minimal means to recoup lost resources, unlike energy based classes which will continue regenerating their resource up to its cap. Due to the high mobility innate to the Warrior class, it is possible to play around boss mechanics and minimize downtime.

I'm trying to increase my Prot warrior DPS. I've noticed I'm a bit low looking at other prot warriors logs and Im wondering why. I used to have mastery as my primary stat but I went crit hoping my damage would increase. Also I'm trying to figure out why I am taking a bit more damage than some other warriors. I use shield block every time it's available when I'm tanking the boss. I need some help please.
My character armory:
Some logs from the other night:

Prot Warrior Wow

Welcome to this End-Game World of Warcraft Class Guide for Protection Warriors. This guide is simplified and streamlined to give effective information and advice without over-complicating things. It's intended for players who want to excel at tanking without having to deeply theorycraft every item and encounter or try and digest massive walls of text.
For competitive end-game raiders, we suggest explicitly using simulation tools, spreadsheets, and your own judgement to produce optimal stat weights, talent builds, and ability prioritizations as they ultimately depend on your character profile, raid needs, and preference of playstyle.

Browsing through this guide couldn't be easier. Below are the guides available, and remember you can always use the tabs above to navigate through them.

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Prot Warrior Talents

  • Stat Priority & Summaries

    Optimized Stat Priority and Stat Summaries.

  • Gems, Enchants & Consumables

    Optimized Gems, Enchants and Consumables.

  • Talents & Build

    Max-performing Talent Build and information on talents.

    Does sharpness increase aoe dmg minecraft. Contents.Usage In, Sharpness adds 1 extra damage for the first level, and 0.5 ( x 0.25) damage for each additional level.In, Sharpness adds 1.25 ( x 0.625) damage for each level.An is required to apply Sharpness V to wooden, stone, iron, and diamond tools.

  • Tank Rotation & Cooldowns

    Tanking Rotation and Cooldown guidance.

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