Bloodborne Bosses Taking Less Dmg In Later Phases

The problem was that it was a Bloodborne fight with Dark Souls movement/healing/combat mechanics. Gael was sufficiently badass and challenging. I don't have much negative to say about him, although I think it's better when a boss phase change is additive or a modifier on their moveset, rather than a replacement. Yes, everything respawns when you die. Like the Souls games, killing baddies in Bloodborne isn't a one-time deal. With the exception of bosses, every ghoul, ghost, rabid dog, and creepy villager you kill will come back to life in the same spot any time you die or return to your home base in the Hunter's Dream. Phase 1 Strategy: During this phase the Watchdog of the Old Lords will trot at a pace slightly slower than your own running speed. If you need to heal, you can outrun it by dashing, though generally you should keep close to avoid triggering its dangerous Pounce Attack or Flaming Charge. Late comment but I just beat him for the first time today! Got him stuck in a loop in the second phase running through corridors and jumping through mirrors. Could only get in one hit per loop for 40 dmg (I couldn't even see his health bar move). Took me nearly an hour to beat him but there was no magic spamming from him whatsoever.

List of the bosses from Bloodborne from hardest to easiest. Keep in mind, this is completely opinionated and open for debate. Also note that when I created this list, it was originally ranked on the difficulty of these bosses on my first playthrough. Some bosses are significantly easier when you learn their attack patterns. Also note that Chalice bosses are not included, but feel free to add them.

The Top Ten

1Orphan of Kos

This is the only boss (aside from ludwig) where I couldn't see myself beating solo. Difference is, I killed ludwig on the 6th try (not solo), whereas I killed Orphan on the 20th try or so (15+ solo tries and 8+ not solo tries. My partners ALWAYS died before me).
Also, ludwig had 10 vials and 10 bullets outside of his chamber which makes the fight easier to retry.

Holy ****. I'm so glad I somehow managed to beat him. He's the most aggressive boss in the game, has an insane pool of health, is very hard to read, can close the distance in seconds, hits like an 18-wheeler, can combo you if you're not careful, has deceptive range, delays his attacks sometimes, and his second phase is just the worst. Once he reaches the second phase, you better have blood vials because this guy will wreck you if you don't. Luckily, he can be parried, but the timing can be hard to do unless you learn his combos. I suggest having high physical and bolt resistance, as his lightning bolt can one shot you if you're not wearing the right armor. Hug his left side if you can, but watch out for his uppercut, as the placenta will land on the left side. - MKBeast

Definitely the hardest boss for me personally. I thought Laurence was a cinch compared to this guy. Clearly I didn't master all his moves and the best way to bait him but after countless deaths I got it done with no vials left and a hit from death lol.

Can't believe this guy isn't higher. No one in this game gave me a harder time than this guy. His first phase is fairly easy and I learned how to dodge and take advantage of some of his moves early on but that second phase..holy Jesus.


Bloodborne Bosses Taking Less Dmg In Later Phases 1

Gehrman, The First Hunter

This list is wrong. I only died to Gehrman once in two play through. He's one of the hardest, but not the hardest. That said, he's really aggressive, hard to read at times, hits really hard, and is one of the best bosses of Bloodborne. The things that make him easier are two things: a generous health pool, and parrying. - MKBeast

Don't pay attention to this listing. Gehrman is very easy to parry and is a joke joke at high levels, most of the DLC bosses and some of the chalice dungeon bosses are a lot more difficult.

For me Gehrman is the hardest boss in the game. He is very quick and agile and does a lot of damage. Just don't charge him head on. Dodge-counter is the best option in my opinion.
Hint: Don't get pulled by his scythe. - thesheepersgame

Gehrman ripped me to shreds whenever I tried being aggressive but he wasn't too awfully difficult once I adopted a slower, more careful approach. He is unquestionably the hardest boss in the game though.

3Martyr Logarius

His last form is what I think is the hardest of all. He is fast and keeps on attacking you. It will be an easier fight if you can prevent him from using his flying swords attack which is kinda annoying. I fought him like 20+ times and I fell from the roof one time when I was about to defeat him which is super frustrating. Overall he is one challenging opponent that made my Bloodborne experience challenging - thesheepersgame

This is kind of a PVP battle. This guy is kind of unrelenting, but is doable. He uses a scythe to hit, which can be dodged pretty easily, but conserve your stamina when you hit, because he hits pretty fast. He sends out orbs to hit you when you're not up close, but these are fairly easy to dodge. Back off if you need to, but don't get carried away with your hits. - Ornsmoughstein

The 2nd phase is what's so hard. He becomes a lot more aggressive but if you get behind him and visceral him when he's powering up for the 2nd phase you'll have a lot easier time.

It just matters if you can dodge and parry or not. - MKBeast

4Father Gascoigne

One of the hardest boss fights in the game for me. If you are starting Bloodborne, he will be a pain in the ass and start thinking to rage quit after a couple of times.
The trick against him is to perfectly time your dodges in his beast form since this will be the form that you will have a hard time beating. He's beast form is fast but once you perfected your dodge you could kill him with minimum to no hits at all. What I did was forward-dodge his attacks so that I will be in his behind. When you get behind him attack at least 2-3 times (don't button mash), then dodge if he will attack again, then repeat the process. If you are hit, just back and heal (if needed). Use your surroundings as much as possible (it will be a big help). Matching his speed will most likely be a big advantage for you but it will be a hard/fulfilling task. - thesheepersgame

Gascoigne is the first mandatory boss, and if you don't adapt to Bloodborne's aggressive style, prepare to die. A lot. He acts like most hunters do during the first phase, and when he reaches his second phase, prepare for one of the most aggressive fights in all of Bloodborne. - MKBeast

So hard for a new player but man was it rewarding having never played a souls game before this. This fight is one of my favorites. Just be careful if your going to use the music box because the beast is surprisingly quick.

Be super aggressive when you first fight, maybe visceral a couple times, and use the music box when in beast form. Beat him first try doing that.

5Blood-Starved Beast

The first two phases here are extremely easy, but during the final phase is when this becomes my worst nightmare. First of all, the boss seems to get extended attack range which was the cause of many, many deaths, you get poisoned for standing near it, (horrible smelter demon flashbacks) and the grab attack will kill you instantly, (for most players). The pungent blood tactic is certainly the safest, but it can be expensive. visceral attacks can work well here. Best of all, if you want that Ludwig holy blade, you have to kill this boss.

The beast can be staggered if you shoot at the right time, and its left is extremely vulnerable. Many of its moves have a fair warning too. Watch out for the grab attack on the next phases of the fight though. This move can instantly kill you if you aren't careful. However it is actually telegraphed. Quickstep to the left if the beast stops moving. It might use the grab attack. If you can avoid it, you can get some free hits. Eventually you will take it down. - Thehelmetguy1

Honestly this boss is so easy it's a joke, if you know what you're getting yourself into. This boss can be very easily intimidating, and I think that is why it's caused so many deaths in it's day. Really he is extremely simple, every attack can be dodged to the left..that's it. He's also very vulnerable to parrying, and if you have some antidotes, the poison isn't much of a problem.

Before anyone downvotes this comment, keep in mind that I completely understand that for the most part, this boss has fairly predictable attacks, and not a lot of HP. Where it get's hard is during its final phase. You can't even get close to him, because contact with him will result in you being poisoned once he's in his final phase. He also becomes extremely unrelenting once he's in his final phase. I understand that he doesn't have a lot of health in his final phase, but getting him down to zero HP in his final phase will be a hell of a workout. Visceral attacks are your best friends in his final phase. - Ornsmoughstein

6Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos

For me the hardest thing about Ebrietas is her charge attack, which could sometimes one-hit you if you have not enough HP. But her attacks are predictable and very slow. I used 'Ludwig's Holy Blade' against her. Dash + R1 or R2 (I forgot what is the slam attack) in the head a couple of times after she does her slam attack will stun her, then follow a visceral attack, then repeat.
Her 'Disco Lights' (As I call it) is hard hitting when it hits you since it will hit you a couple of times, but its very easy to dodge. Just walk side ways and it will not be a problem. - thesheepersgame

Ebrietas is a fight that's easier explained than done. If you have a strong enough Stake Driver, you can bait her attacks and charge attack the head for massive damage, but once again, easier said than done. She hits incredibly hard, has this really annoying and nigh-unavoidable charge attack, and can use A Call Beyond to one shot you later on. - MKBeast

I understand that a lot of people think this boss is tough, and it's true that she does hit really hard, but she hits really slow. If you're up close, she will only do a slam attack, which is very easy to learn and dodge. Just stay up close and dodge when necessary. - Ornsmoughstein

Every other boss, I measured the time to defeat them in number of attempts. With Ebrietas I measured it in number of hours

7Ludwig the Accursed

Ludwig for sure. If orphan of Kos wasn't the final DLC boss he wouldn't be on the list. People tend to rank final bosses as the hardest regardless of actual challenge level. Ludwig is much more difficult I would rather fight 2 orphan at the same time.

Hardest Boss in the game no question no matter what level or stats you have, to be fair was playing on NG+ for the first time but his attacks are fast and do a lot of damage with barely any time to heal.

How this isn't in the top 10, I don't know. The first phase is the hardest part of the fight, as he's insanely aggressive and hard to read. After you drop him to half health, his difficulty is brought down a little, as his attacks aren't hard to read. The one attack you should watch out for during this phase is this shockwave that will very likely one shot you. - MKBeast

From my observation for me it's the opposite Accursed part is very predictable and easy to punish The Holy Blade phase on the other hand is very unpredictable. In the 2nd phase I never attack him until I am absolutely sure he isn't gonna attack. - Aguythatpeopleignores

The lore, the difficulty, the soundtrack.. Ludwig The Accursed. Ludwig The Holy Blade.

8Vicar Amelia

Honestly a lot of players say Vicar Amelia is one of the hardest boss in the game. But personally I almost defeated her in one try (I died once when I just stood in front of her when she used her ground attack). I find her very easy since her attacks were too predictable, and her heal is not that effective since even if you don't use a numbing mist to prevent her from healing, you could still continue attacking her while healing so that she will only replenish a little health. - thesheepersgame

Amelia made me quit the game for 2 months before coming back with a vengeance. The hardest boss in the early section of the game, and the most memorable for me. The terrifying sounds she made mixed with the furious swipes that would leave no room for error made this boss the embodiment of Bloodborne in my eyes.

This is the only boss in the game where I had to come back to because I kept getting my ass handed to me. Vicar hits VERY hard, and this beasts attacks are very unpredictable. Luckily, it's weak to fire, so Molotov's and fire enchanted weapons are very helpful. Vicar has a TON of HP, and your best bet is dodge behind it and hit fast without depleting your stamina, because trust me, you will need your stamina. Oh yeah, and Vicar cannot be parried, and guns aren't very useful in this battle. - Ornsmoughstein

Fire on your weapon and keep attacking when she's healing. Just watch out for her grab attack.

9Laurence, the First Vicar

I had a hard time choosing between this and Abhorent Beast, but this guy is harder in my opinion. The first phase is what makes him hard. The second phase is actually kind of a joke. Just wait for the lava barf and rinse and repeat.

How the heck is he only at 9? He is by far the hardest boss, my brother even gave up on trying to beat him.

hardest boss in the game. Don't let his appearance fool you. He may just be the Cleric Beast on fire, but he hits like a truck filled with nuclear explosives being thrown at you by Godzilla, even if your fire damage reduction is high like me. His swing/slash attacks are a death sentence.
When he reaches about half HP he'll lose his legs and vomit lava all over the room and will also bleed lava out of his anus. He'll also try to chase you by slamming his hand on the ground. Just try not to step into any of his lava!

I've beaten every soulsborne boss in the series without any assistance, and then enter Laurence. Had to finally feel that humble feeling of ringing the bell and calling for help. Well done Laurence, you are in my nightmares.

10Bloodborne Bosses Taking Less Dmg In Later PhasesRom, The Vacuous Spider

If the fight is 1-on-1 it will be a piece of cake. But the most annoying thing about the fight is his minions and not him. If you get stuck in the mob you're dead for sure. What I did was dodge the spiders and go straight to him. Use a hard hitting weapon or an electric weapon. Hit him at least 2 times then dodge since the spiders will surely hit you when you do 3 hits (based on experience). Then repeat the process until he is dead. Just don't forget he has a deadly meteor strike that could possibly kill you if you are not careful. - thesheepersgame

The first phase is an absolute joke, since Rom doesn't do anything at all. Kill the little spiders and then try to deal as much damage as possible to Rom. In the second and third phases, you need to manage your time well between dodging Rom and attacking the little spiders. Always pay attention to what Rom's doing. All of its ranged attacks are telegraphed. With enough patience you will be able to best this boss. - Thehelmetguy1

This boss isn't hard as much as he is annoying. He can only bump you, roll onto you, or use an area of effect attack, which are all very easy to dodge, but he has spider surrounding him that infinitely respawn, and he teleports when you land so many attacks on him. His spiders are a pain in the ass when you're trying to land a few hits on him, and they can easily overwhelm you. Just do your best to ignore them. - Ornsmoughstein

Nothing too difficult. The worst part is the spiders and Rom's final phase, where he can flop around because it hits pretty hard. Other than those things, the fight is rather average difficulty. - MKBeast

The Contenders

11Shadow of Yharnam

I defeated them at my first try (I think it was level gap). Just attack the one who is casting magic first since it will be bothersome if you take him last (I think). The last two will be pretty easy without the caster, just be attentive with your behind since you are fighting 3 opponents at the same time. - thesheepersgame

This is also a PVP battle, but it's 3 against one. Try to take out the fastest first, as you won't have to run so much, and save the slowest for last. Their fire attacks are pretty overwhelming, but they can be dodged. You will most likely be hit during the battle, so bring plenty of blood vials. Just make sure to keep your distance. - Ornsmoughstein

Probably boss I stayed on longest besides Rom, I had to do solo so all 3 attack at once - matthewwilliams2

Very difficult boss

12Darkbeast Paarl

I you got to his area early in the game it will be a very hard boss fight. I returned to him when I got Ludwig's Holy Blade and made the fight really easy. He is BIG and that's its weakness. Just attack his legs/face and he will be down after a couple of hits then do a visceral attack. His lighting burst need charging so you can get out of the blast radius in time if you are outside.
Just be patient while fighting him and you will beat him in no time. - thesheepersgame

The worst part about this boss is that you can't lock on it, but he jumps around so quickly it is hard to keep up with it. He is a skeleton so you have a good chance to miss your precious hits. He spams the charged blast in Chalice, so you have to learn to roll into that blast, giving you way more chances to hit it. Yet you receive at least 30% more damage when get caught in a roll, it could be a one-shot kill. You might have to roll into that blast at least 4 times in the Chalice, so keep practicing.

There isn't much to this fight, but he hits VERY hard, and also deals electrical damage. Stay behind him, and hit his legs, because you might be able to stun him and go for a visceral attack. Also, make sure you've mastered dodging, because he hits pretty fast. If you can, summon someone to help, so they can distract him while you wail on him. - Ornsmoughstein

The camera is your worst nightmare in this fight, as he's incredibly fast, and can clear the arena in a matter of seconds. - MKBeast

As for the Loran Darkbeast, your experience can differ from how high you're leveled. If you're below 100, you're screwed. If not, this thing is a complete joke. - MKBeast

13The One Reborn

Don't let this colossal beast full you. It seems intimidating, but this boss isn't too challenging. First of all, go on the second level and kill all of the casters. This will give you a much better advantage in the long run. Plunging attacks on this boss are extremely effective, but if that doesn't work, aim for its legs, and stay close. Don't worry, this boss doesn't hit too hard and it's relatively easy dodge. When it howls, get out of the way. That's it's AOE attack. Also, steer clear of its vomit. This boss shouldn't pose too much of a challenge. - Ornsmoughstein

Even if you ignore the caster's, the One Reborn isn't too much of a fuss. It hits like a truck though, so be careful with his attacks, especially where it pays homage to Drowning Pool and LETS THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR! Other than that, it's nothing special. - MKBeast

Didn't knew you could go up to the second floor to kill the casters!
I was fighting it while dodging the fireballs which is kinda crazy. - thesheepersgame

Easier than The Witches


Amygdala has low health, but hits pretty hard. Only its legs and head are vulnerable, and for the most part, he doesn't hit hard, and he's a fairly easy boss. However, during his third phase, he becomes a lot more aggressive. Keep swinging at his legs, because the damage increases until he heals them. Go for visceral attacks as well when the chance is given. - Ornsmoughstein

This is the easiest boss of all. I had Saw Cleaver +7, and just ran straight at her. Run between her legs, and stay behind her tail. And when she jumps, start charging a R2 attack, and when she lands aim for the head, and run behind her. Easy.

I feel like Nightmare Frontier's Amygdala was really hard just because actually getting to it is so taxing. - KarmalApples

Like the Darkbeast Paarl, Amygdala is BIG and is an easy target. He? is slow and once he do his slam attack his head will be vulnerable to attacks. Use a hard hitting weapon and it will be an easy one. - thesheepersgame

The hard Amygdala (Chalice Dungeon Amygdala) is the one to watch out for. Since your health is halved here, almost all of his/her/whatever's attacks are a one hit kill. - MKBeast

16Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower

Easily one of the best fights in all of gaming. That said, it's no cakewalk. Maria's first phrase is easy with a strafe to the left, then she forsakes her hatred of the blood arts to try to stop you at 70%. Finally, once she reaches 30%, she adds fire attacks to that. Not only do her attacks have insane reach during these two phases, they can absolutely destroy you. - MKBeast

Ok, I get the fact that yes, she can be parried throughout the fight, thus making it kind of easy for someone good at doing that, but otherwise this fight can still be a pretty big challenge. And siting her lower than the Amygdala? That's pretty ridiculous. Not trying to be rude or anything, but I think someone needs to get their facts straight. The fact you can't basically one shot her scores her above that stupid thing. I'd say at LEAST top 10, maybe even higher on a good day.

Isn't that hard but try fighting her before Gehrman then fight Gehrman heh see what happens

How is Maria down here?! Her blood attacks are crazy powerful and give her insane range. Awesome boss fight, very fun and intense.

17Ludwig, The Holy Blade

I think that the Orphan of Kos actually took me more tries than Ludwig, but I could feel myself getting a little better and learning the Orphan's attack patterns with each attempt. Ludwig I eventually just got lucky. It's not that any one of his attacks make him difficult, or even that they're tough to dodge. It's that he is so remarkably aggressive that you rarely have a chance to counter him.

This badboy gave me a really hard time. I think I had a total of 30+ tries, and if I compare it with Gehrman where I only had 3 tries first time, I would rate this the hardest boss. Maybe because the first time I tried him was on +1 difficulty, and my level was low. Citrix receiver 11.4 3 dmg. After some farming and leveling I re- tried, much easier, but god-awful anyways.

18Mergo's Wet Nurse

Once you know her moves its pretty easy to dodge her attacks. At first she is intimidating since she's got a lot of arms. But her attacks are very predictable. - thesheepersgame

She hits fast and powerfully, but she's not unbeatable by any means. During the fights, there are moments where she seems to slow down. This is when you'll want to hit her. Once you learn her moveset, this boss is relatively easy. - Ornsmoughstein

Not very difficult - matthewwilliams2

I had more trouble than I should've, since I solo'd German on the first try. She's very easy to predict, but that clone of hers is so annoying. - MKBeast

19Moon Presence

If you're going for the third ending, this will be the final boss, right after Gehrman. This boss is a joke, considering you would've just beaten the hardest boss in the game. Its attacks are extremely predictable, and can be easily dodged for a swift victory. It does have one attack which will always bring your HP to 1, and cannot be dodged, but with a few blood vials, you should be fine. It can also temporarily prevent you from healing, but just stay out of its way until the effect wears off. - Ornsmoughstein

This boss is so easy, but it shouldn't be final boss on main game, it's a great one so why so easy? - matthewwilliams2

This is the secret final boss and is very easy. I beat him on my first try.

This boss is no threat, unless you're greedy with your hits. - MKBeast

20Abhorrent Beast

This is a boss that you should solo. He's very aggressive and hits hard at times, but doesn't have too much health. Use a weapon with good range and damage, like the Whirligig Saw. - MKBeast

Is is a hard boss for me as his moves are unpredictable and he does a large amount of damage, also he threw me of with his dialogue.

After struggling because I thought you could parry him, he isn't that bad.

Fast and slow hitting unpredictable moveset charges at you as soon as you heal cannot be parried but can be chessed by poison knifes and charged R2. With enough damage to its face you stargger and visceral.

21Watchdog of the Old Lords

I feel like the reason the chalice bosses are ranked lower is because less people have fought them.

This boss hits really hard, but once you figure out his moves, he's a complete joke. - MKBeast

And as for the defiled Watchdog, same strategy applies, except you need to be good at dodging, or else you might get one shot, not to mention the fact that the defiled Watchdog has a large pool of health. - MKBeast

Wow, this was so easy - matthewwilliams2

This list is pretty misleading really. The latter chalice dungeon bosses are infinitely harder than any of the main game bosses( and required to platinum bloodborne). This boss on level 2 of the pthumeru defiled chalice is probably (along with defiled amygdala) the most difficult boss in bloodborne, much harder than Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen (the real final boss)

Wrong. Neither of those two are really that hard. The best way to handle Watchdog is to not get greedy. It's probably a good idea to level up your character's vitality and whatever attribute corresponds with your weapon the best. - MKBeast

22Loran Darkbeast

I would like to pay special mention to this boss, for being hard for all the wrong reasons. It's the camera, this boss destroys your camera.

23Defiled Amygdala

Why the hell is this 21?


If this wasn’t one of the most difficult bosses in video games I have ever experienced, I will play PT blindfolded

24Headless Bloodletting Beast

I killed this guy in 3-4 attempts, and THANK GOD it's over. This guy isn't the hardest to dodge, but Lord help you if he hits you. Don't lock on to him, as the camera will get you killed, and watch out for his smashes and stomps, as they hit really hard. - MKBeast

As for later attempts, I realized how easy this guy is. He's a boss best taken on solo, otherwise his health is gonna be ridiculous. Bait his attacks, back up, step back in and get a few hits, back up and repeat until you've staggered him, which is when you can score some damage. I advise leveling your character up and bringing its vigor to 50+. - MKBeast

The only explanation for this boss being this low is the fact few players ever get to him.

How is this not #1?

25Cleric Beast

More than likely, this will be the first boss you come to face in the game, and if you don't know Bloodborne's mechanics, this first battle can be tough. The Cleric Beast is rather aggressive, and hits pretty hard. The strategy to this boss is somewhat difficult to learn, but once you nail the strategy, you can probably take this beast out without taking one hit. Though this boss looks very intimidating, don't be afraid to be up close and personal with him. Stay behind him and slash away, while dodging his slow attacks. This boss is also very weak to fire. Land visceral attacks when the opportunity is present. - Ornsmoughstein

The very first boss that most of use will fight in the game. If you are new to the game, you will fight him a LOT of times before killing it (Like me). He's attacks have a long reach and deals a lot of damage. The best thing to do is to front-dodge him so that you could go behind him and attack him from that position (He has a spin attack so be careful). You could also parry him with your sidearm so you could visceral attack him which deals a good amount of damage. I you know his attack patterns it will be a easy fight.
I fought him in my NG+ game and just defeated him in my first try. - thesheepersgame

This boss is a joke for Dark Souls veterans, and tough for others. - MKBeast

Bloodborne was my first FromSoftware game and I beat this easy boss solo first try still. - matthewwilliams2

26Living Failures

One of the easiest bosses in the entire game. They are incredibly slow and the arcane attacks can be avoided by hiding behind the plant in the middle. Fun, but very easy

You can see why they are Living Failures.. Basically something to make you feel good after all you've gone through Ludwig and about to go through Lady Maria.

Worst thing about this boss is running outta bullets, I parry every single attack so easy. - matthewwilliams2

This is an easy fight, but don't get cocky. The Failures hit really hard and have quite a bit of health, especially in NG+. - MKBeast

27Micolash, The Host of Nightmares

Hated this fight, imagine a chase fight, but, it's foggy, very confusing without having any direction or insight to what's going on, if you haven't fought him, expect looking for him for 20 minutes, and then getting one shot by Call from Beyond.

This boss was the easiest in the game for me, and I consider it more of a chase than a boss fight. Once you finally duel with him (twice), all you have to do is be up close to him so he doesn't use ranged attacks, and just wail on him. He doesn't hit hard at all, and he can be taken out very easily. - Ornsmoughstein

Bloodborne Bosses Taking Less Dmg In Later Phases 1

A very long boss fight for me. Its not hard, I just hated the thing that he is running almost all the time. - thesheepersgame

I hated this guy. He's very easy, but he can one shot you with A Call Beyond during the last phase. - MKBeast

28Pthumerian Descendant

Are you kidding me? This guy should be next to Martyr Logarius. He's quick and aggressive. If you let him reach his second phase in the dungeon where you fight Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen you're as good as dead. This guy deserves to be on the top ten.

Nobody really talks about this boss. If you're going in solo, be ready for serious R1 spamming. This thing hits really hard and can combo you to oblivion. - MKBeast

I defeated the Orphan in less than 10 tries, but it took me much more than 50 tries for this dude. ☹ I managed to defeat him in solo mode..

29The Witch of Hemwick

Bloodborne Bosses Taking Less Dmg In Later Phases Lyrics

The boss had a great concept and design, but terrible execution. The support these witches have is really slow and barely hit worth any damage, the witches have low health themselves, and you can damage the second one before the first is even dead. There might be trouble if you're not good at dodging the second one's attacks, so be careful with that, but other than that, these witches are a complete bore. - MKBeast

As for the Chalice witches, I hate their guts. Their support is actually really tough this time around. Luckily, the witches never move from their spot, so other than the support banking you, they're still not that hard. - MKBeast

A lot of people consider this boss to be the easiest in the game, however, if you don't know what you're doing, this boss can be tricky. There are two witches, and they'rev invisible until you're up close to them. Their attacks are very easy to dodge, but they have one attack that can restrain you while they perform a visceral attack on you which can take out a ton of HP. Overall, this is an easy fight, as their minions are slow, and don't pose much of a threat, but coming into this battle blind isn't a good idea. - Ornsmoughstein

30Undead Giant

The first Giant I fought was a piece of cake. But when I got to the one with the club and sword, the best chance I had was 2 cannonballs (maybe 3) and hitting the pocket on his leg that does massive damage.

Depends on which giant. The one who uses the balls on his back is a NIGHTMARE. It causes immense damage if you can't dodge it. - MKBeast

I'm later dungeons, these things hit REALLY HARD. I swear to God, if you get hit by a giant, you're probably screwed. - MKBeast

Not that hard, no matter which dungeon. - matthewwilliams2

All of these things are annoying. It Honestly appaled me how hard this thing hit when I fought the very first one in the Pthumerian chalice dungeon and it annoyed the hell out of me. I am running a somewhat tanky build (vit, endurance, strength) and was level 29 when I fought it. Long story short, strafe left, learn when to dodge, get in one or two hits between attacks, don't waste fire paper unless running a low damage build.


Bloodborne Bosses Taking Less Dmg In Later Phases Download

Celestial Emissary

The only thing that makes this boss tricky is that there are tons of little creatures (forget what they're called), and they can overwhelm you if you aren't careful. However, the boss is among these creatures, and you can nail a lot of this boss's HP before he transforms into a giant. This boss is fairly easy to dodge, but his minions can overwhelm you if you are not careful, so be patient with your hits. This boss shouldn't pose much of a challenge. - Ornsmoughstein

Don't get cornered. Other than that, this thing is a complete joke. - MKBeast

Easier than even The Witches

The real one hides in the back, and if you hit the real one with Shaman knife dagger thingy, the others will mess him up. - matthewwilliams2


Easily the most annoying enemy in the game, and the boss is even worse. Not only does he try his damnedest to grab you and drain your insight, he spams this arcane projectile that stuns you, making you open for a grab. Other than that, it's a complete pushover. - MKBeast

Easiest boss to with bolt and thrust damage. However is the 2nd most annoying boss spams the arcane paralysis thing as soon as you enter. Rom is spider minions are 1 in the annoying category.

33Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen

You need to complete possibly 7 chalices to get to her all increasing in difficulty. The defiled chalice which you have to do is insane, so technically this is the hardest boss to get to, but she's pretty easy once you do. She has powerful attacks but is slow and easy to read. I did her first attempt

Nothing too hard, but can be infuriating if you don't know how to handle the baby crying. - MKBeast

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Top Remixes (10)

1. Loran Darkbeast
2. Watchdog of the Old Lords
3. Abhorrent Beast
1. Laurence, the First Vicar
2. Ludwig, The Holy Blade
3. Ludwig the Accursed
1. Orphan of Kos
2. Laurence, the First Vicar
3. Bloody Crow of Cainhurst

View All 10

Bloodborne Bosses Taking Less Dmg In Later Phases 2017

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